*Troupe In Person Registration and Dance Wear Orders – Thursday, August 1st 5:30-7:30 pm *Troupe Intensives – 8/19-22 (see prior email with times/dates for each team) *Open House and in Person registration (Rec) – 9/7/24 – 10am-2 pm *Troupe Classes Start – 9/9/24 *Rec Sessions Fall/Winter – 9/16-12/20; Winter/Spring – 1/6-6/13 *Rec Registration Closes – 3/1/25
Studio Performances (tentative and subject to change) November 30 - Newton Holiday Parade Performance (Troupe) - 9:30 am December 1 - Jessica Lynn: A Very Merry Classic Christmas - Newton Theatre (3 pm Tech/6 pm call) December 6 - Branchville Tree Lighting - 5:30 pm May 26, 2025 - Newton Memorial Day Parade Performance (Troupe) -TBD June 14, 2025 - Trinity Studios End of the Year Showcase - SCCC - Times TBD Troupe Competition Dates (tentative and subject to change depending on availability) March 14-16, 2025 - Dance Champs Elite –Randolph MS (Diamond and Onyx) April 4-6, 2025 – Groove – Mountain Lakes (Diamond and Onyx) April 11-13, 2025 – True Talent Regionals – West Milford HS (All teams) May 9-11, 2025 – Journey – Meadowlands (All teams) June 22-28, 2025 – True Talent Regionals – LBI (All teams)
Studio Holidays and Closures Monday, October 14 – Columbus Day Holiday – No Classes Thursday, October 31 – Halloween – No Classes Wednesday, November 27 – December 1 – Thanksgiving Break – Studio Closed Monday, December 23-January 5 – Winter Break – Studio Closed Monday, January 6, 2025 – Classes Resume Monday, January 20, 2025 - Studio Closesd, no classes Friday, February 14, 2025-Monday, February 17, 2025 - studio closed, no classes Friday, April 18 – 25, 2025 – Spring Break – Studio Closed Monday, May 26 – Memorial Day – No Classes Friday, June 13 – Last Day of Regular Classes Saturday, June 14 - Trinity Showcase at SCCC (times TBD) Monday June 16 – June 21– Troupe Nationals Rehearsals (TBD)
We look forward to updating this schedule with additional performance opportunities this fall and winter as soon as those event dates become available.
Founded in July 2020, Trinity Studios prides itself on developing well-rounded performers. Our performing arts programs provide students with exceptional instruction in dance, acting, theatre arts, musical theatre and vocal performance as well as various performance opportunities throughout the country. We offer a performance and competition team for ages 6-19 as well as non-competition/recreational dance classes for toddlers-adults. In 2022 and again in 2024, we were named the Studio of the Year by the American Dance Competition and Convention (ADCC) organization, and in the spring of 2023, we were named a Studio of Excellence by True Talent Dance Competition. Other recent awards include Broadway Bound, Outstanding Vocal Performance, Triple Threat National Champions and High Score Champions at True Talent Regional and National Competitions. Registration: Registration for the new season will begin on-line in July for both the recreational and competition dance programs as well as Theater Arts classes. The registration forms will be online, on our website http://trinitystudiosnj.com. Registration for recreational programs are on a rolling basis until 3/1/25. Commitment: Dance and Performance at Trinity Studios require commitment, hard work and discipline. Everyone from parents to students to instructors to choreographers play a critical role in the success of our program and performances. Commitment starts with our parents and flows through to our performers. Trinity Dance Company Performance and Competition Troupe runs a 12-month dance education and performance program. Each new competitive and performance dance season begins in August with Intensive Workshops and new choreography for groups and solos. It is also highly recommended that Troupe performers take part in our 6-week Summer Dance Immersion Program to increase their skill set and hone their technique skills, so that they can advance to the next skill level. Commitment to TDC includes committing to all required regional competitions, paying tuition and fees on time, committing to the Showcase Performance and national competition, and attending all required classes and rehearsals.
There are four team levels within the TDC Competition Troupe: Diamond, our Advanced Senior and Teen Team (ages 13+); Onyx, our Intermediate Teen and Junior Team (ages 11 +); Platinum, our Intermediate/Novice Junior Team (ages 9-16); Amethyst, our Novice Junior/Petite team (ages 6-11). Placements into levels are dependent upon certain skills that must be mastered before a student can move ahead including but not limited to mastery of splits, pirouettes, leaps and performance ability. All students entering Kindergarten and above who have reached the Ballet 1 level are eligible for consideration and evaluation for the performance and competition troupe. More information about team placements are contained later in this packet.
The Academy Troupe (Musical Theater and Theater Arts) is a 10 month theater arts education and performance program, September-June. Additional summer performance opportunities may also arise each year. Summer Theater Camp is offered which culminates in a performance. Our Trinity Studios Pre-competitive/Non-Competitive/Recreational Programs and classes run for 10 months, September -June. We also offer a 6-week Summer Dance Immersion program July-August which all students may join. Please understand that when you register, you are committing to an entire year or season withus, just like any other sport! Tuition is non-refundable. Tuition is based upon the entire dance year/season and is not charged or paid by class or by month. We do however allow monthly installments for tuition. YOU MUST BE REGISTERED ON OUR PARENT PORTAL AND HAVE A DEBIT/CREDIT CARD ON FILE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MONTHLY INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS (unless other arrangements have been made with our office) Recreational Dance and Theater at Hilltop Country Day School. . We are pleased to offer introductory dance and theater arts classes at Hilltop Country Day School. These classes are designed for students to gain fundamental skills in dance, tumbling and acting in a fun and educational atmosphere. These classes are also a great way to try a class without a full season commitment. To participate in our end of year showcase, students must be registered for full season classes by or before 3/1.
Attendance is important when learning and creating the arts of dance and theater, so please make every effort to have your child in class each week. Your classmates are as much your teammates as any sports team, and practice is just as important too! There are no refunds/credits formissed classes due to student absence. Our faculty and administration reserve the right to remove a student from a routine if he/she/they have missed too many classes and are not prepared for any performance opportunity. Tuition and Fees: Tuition is season and/or session based. For those families choosing to pay tuition monthly, the number and the amount of payments will remain the same despite month length or holidays and are due each month to avoid the assessment of a $35 late fee. Families that choose to pay in full for the entire year will enjoy a discount on the total cost of tuition. Tuition prices and other payments are laid out within this packet so that you know what to expect throughout the year. Payments for tuition are made through our monthly auto-draft system. ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE A DEBIT/CREDIT CARD ON FILE WITH THE STUDIO. Special payment arrangements can be made with the Studio Director. Please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Lauren at [email protected] if you are having any issues with payments or would like to set up a different arrangement. Also, if you have received a gift card or scholarship, please notify the office prior to registration so we know how you would like to use it.
Tuition for 2024-25:Trinity Studios Non-Competitive/Rec Classes Upon Registration: $40 Admin/Insurance/Registration fee Other Fees: (Full Year and Spring Session Students Only) $100 Costume Fee (per routine/class) $75 Showcase Registration Fee (includes T-shirt, commemorative program, ticket for venue)
Tuition: Full Season: September - June $780.00/class (10 month payment plans are available by registering for Auto-pay)
Winter Theater Arts Workshop: $250.00/session
AdultClasses(Tap,Lyrical/Contemporary): $18/class drop in; $150 – “ten class pass” TCJ Dance (Adult HipHop/FitDance)– please see Ms. Tricia’s website to register and pay – tcjdance.com
Trinity Dance Company Competition Troupe Tuition and Fees vary by level and by dancer. Contact us for more information.
Class Attire: Though class dance styles may be different, we expect tights and leotards for classes. Hair must always be pulled back off the face and neat, with high buns preferred for girls in ballet/technique classes.
For Ballet Technique classes, a black leotard (Ballet 2, 3 & 4) or pink leotard (Ballet 1, Tiny Dancers) with pink tights are required. Boys may wear black dance pants and a t-shirt. Dancers may also wear ballet skirts or spandex shorts, or other tight-fitting clothing, over a black or pink leotard to feel more comfortable. No baggie shirts or sweatshirts will be permitted in technique classes. Please have dancers in canvas or leather ballet slippers. Our studio store may offer the sale of leotards and tights (contingent on availability of items). Please let Ms. Lauren or your teacher know that you would like to purchase these items and we will fit you for them.
Jazz dancers can wear shorts or leggings, as well as tighter fitting t-shirts over their leotards. Trinity studios wear is preferred (t-shirts, crop shirts, tanks, leggings, etc) Please have dancers wear Jazz shoes, which are required for jazz classes. Items are available at our studio store: http://twentyfourink.com
Tap dancers should follow Jazz attire. Tapshoes are required for tap classes.
Lyrical/Modern/Contemporary dancers should have footless or stirrup tights to wear. Tighter fitted clothing is preferable, as floor work and intricate body positioning is necessary in this class. Barefoot, Foot Undies, half soles or dance specific socks are best for foot wear.
Hip Hop dancers may wear looser fitting clothing including, but not limited to, sweatpants, joggers, tshirts, etc.. Adidas Super Star sneakers are the preferred shoe option for this dance style.
-Theater students may dress in comfortable clothes they can easily move in. **Please Note: Shoe requirements for performances may differ from what is permissible in classes. Your teacher/choreographer will inform you as soon as possible if you will need different foot wear for a particular dance than what we typically wear.
Communication: Communication is done primarily through the PARENT PORTAL, BAND App or e-mail. PLEASE BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR EMAIL!!! Please also download the BAND App. And please READ what we send out. We try to be as thorough as possible in our messages and emails. When time is of the essence, you may also receive a text message from instructors, Ms. Lauren directly or the studio line. You can also follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more information, class changes and closure notices. You can reach Ms. Lauren at any time by emailing [email protected] or call the office, 973-512-5410. Closures: For holidays and inclement weather, we usually follow Sparta Twp school closures, but will sometimes vary depending on when weather events are occurring. Notifications will be sent via text, e-mail and all social media platforms when we do close for inclement weather. There are 3 snow day/weather related closures factored into pricing and scheduling of each weekly class. If we exceed 3 missed classes due to weather or any other reason, a Saturday or Sunday makeup class will be offered. Showcase and Performances: Our full studio showcase takes place in early June, and we expect all our competitive company dancers and non-competitive performers will be involved to help us celebrate their achievements by attending and performing. Showcase is a true celebration of our performers, teachers and choreographers’ accomplishments during the year, and a thank you to the support of our families and community.
We also have community performances scattered throughout the year that we would love for all our dancers and performers to attend including the Newton Holiday Parade, Sparta Independence Day Parade and others. Please make every effort to commit to your dancer’s passion during the year, and we will continue to support your performer’s growth in any way we can. Behavior/Social Media Policy: Trinity Studios has an active presence on Social Media - Facebook and Instagram. We LOVE when our families like, tag and post photos. However, we ask that NO videos of choreography or routines of the competition troupes are posted until after we have competed at Nationals in June/July. Also, please be mindful of posts made by your older students, that they properly reflect the spirit of our inclusive and caring dance studio community. We will not tolerate any level of divisiveness, mean-spiritedness, bullying of any other student, within the studio or even outside the studio via social media, email or text. We expect our studio members to conduct themselves as respectful and gracious team members at all times.
Further, any behavior the faculty or administration find inappropriate, abusive, harassing or disruptive on the part of a student or a student’s family member will not be tolerated and may result in expulsion from the studio. We have a zero-tolerance policy for unnecessary drama or inappropriate behavior from anyone. Similarly, any harassing or inappropriate behavior on the part of any staff member or visiting instructor/choreographer will not be tolerated. Trinity Studios is a place of belonging and family. Although we may disagree with one another at times and we may have to call out inappropriate behavior or conduct, we are all a team. Competition Routine Casting/Level Placement/Choreographer Assignments: Great thought is put into every decision we make when it comes to placing our students into levels, group routines, solos and duos. Decisions are based upon age and skill level, a student’s attitude and work ethic throughout the year, performance quality and scoring at competition. Competitive Solo/Duo assignments, both dance genre and choreographer decisions are based upon a number of factors including skill level, dancers’ strengths and weaknesses and scheduling availability. Parents are always consulted regarding the number of solos/duos with which a student may wish to enter since there are scheduling and financial considerations, however the final decisions regarding solos/duos rest at the discretion of the studio and dance instructors/choreographers. We are here to ensure your performers succeed and feel a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence. We permit our students to offer input in their song choices, costumes and to some degree, choreography. Level Placement and Team Placement - competition dance troupe members are placed in one of 4 teams based on technical skill level, performance ability and age: Diamond, Onyx, Platinum, or Amethyst. The Diamond Team is made up of our elite advanced senior and teen dancers who commit to between 5-8 hours of instruction/choreography per week. Onyx is comprised of our intermediate dancers age 11-16, who take between 4-6 hours of dance instruction/choreography per week. Additional competition and performance opportunities are available for this group and the Diamond Group. Platinum is made up of novice teen and junior students age 8-14 who dance 4-5 hours per week. Amethyst students are our petite novice level dancers, age 6-9 who take 4 hours of dance class per week. Competition level is determined by the faculty based upon the various requirements of the specific competitions. If you have any questions or concerns about how these decisions are made, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Lauren for answers.
At Trinity Studios, we value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your information when you interact with us via text messaging services. 1. Information We Collect We may collect the following information from you: • Personal Information: Name, phone number, and any other information you provide through text messaging. • Communication Data: Messages sent and received, including any attachments.
2. How We Use Your Information We use your information for the following purposes: • Service Communication: To provide updates, schedule changes, class reminders, and other essential information. • Customer Support: To respond to your inquiries and provide support. • Marketing: With your consent, we may send promotional messages about upcoming events, offers, and classes.
3. How We Protect Your Information We implement various security measures to protect your personal information, including: • Data Encryption: Encrypting data during transmission. • Access Controls: Limiting access to your information to authorized personnel only.
4. Sharing Your Information We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personal information to outside parties, except: • Service Providers: We may share information with third-party service providers who assist us in operating our services. • Legal Obligations: If required by law, we may disclose your information. 5. Your Rights You have the right to: • Access and Update: Request access to your information and update it as necessary. • Opt-Out: Unsubscribe from marketing messages by following the instructions in the messages or contacting us directly. • Data Deletion: Request the deletion of your personal information, subject to legal and contractual obligations.
6. Changes to This Policy We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page with an updated effective date.
7. Contact Us If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our data practices, please contact us at: • Email: [email protected] • Phone: 973-512-5410
Thank you for trusting Trinity Studios with your personal information. We are committed to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for all our clients.